Group Training
Life is often lived in groups. In board rooms and class rooms, in churches and hospitals and therapists offices, those people who have the ability to work effectively with groups can harness the power and the possibilities of collective action for growth and change. Training in group leadership and group dynamics can help those people who want to lead groups to develop a sense of competence and confidence.
Teachers and School Counselors
One of the missing pieces of in service training for teachers is the concept that the classroom is a group. Understanding group dynamics and using the techniques of group leadership can give teachers another set of tools to use in the classroom.
Drug Treatment
Drug counselors regularly work with the most difficult and challenging client in the city. Group therapy is often built into the fabric of drug treatment, but counselors often do not get the training and supervision they need to continue this difficult work and further develop themselves as professionals.
Group Supervision
Those professionals who work with groups--from teachers to drug counselors to therapists in private practice—are often bombarded by a storm of feelings from the children, adolescents and adults with whom they work. These feelings can be difficult to understand and can both impair the ability to think clearly, as well as limit the range of possible interventions.